Robline Davey
I actually go by Robbi, although my formal name is Robline. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and very recently a Master of Education at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). I am a graphic designer by training, and worked in marketing for part of my career, and then moved into curriculum development as a media specialist for online education.
I plan to integrate design thinking, best practices in online teaching and instruction, and my recent experience as an online student, to bring an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to future research. My research interests include exploring the way distance learning and digital spaces can provide increased access to post-secondary education for Indigenous students. Other research interests include revitalizing of traditional food, medicine and technology, as a method of bolstering Indigenous health and well-being, and feminist constructs in Métis identity. I have collaborated on successful interdisciplinary community-driven CIHR and SSHRC grant applications and was awarded a number of scholarships and awards during my graduate program. Other activities in the community include an elected position as a women’s representative for my chartered Métis community in Kamloops.
I hope to do more teaching in the post-secondary context. I enrolled in the VCC PIDP program in order to develop skills in this area, for both online and on campus instruction and curriculum development.
Now that my graduate degree is complete, I am hoping to resume a yoga practice, and spend the winter at Sun Peaks downhill skiing with my family as many weekends as possible. Living in Kamloops, it's a great opportunity to get out in the dry snow, and enjoy the outdoors. Personally, I enjoy cooking and hope to do more of this, as well as volunteer more at my son's school and activities. I have an 8-year old boy named Oliver. He attends a French immersion school and, as a parent, I act as the communications director for a Canadian Parents for French (CPF) chapter in Kamloops. Being a mom, I spend a lot of my extra time driving my son to soccer, skiing and other activities.

August, 2019

My son, Oliver and I

October, 2015

March 2019 Rising Up grad student conference